<!-- CTA Framed -->
<div class="cta_framed_group theme_white">
    <div class="cta_framed_body">
        <div class="fs-row">
            <div class="fs-cell">
                <div class="cta_framed_body_inner">
                    <div class="cta_framed theme_history">
                        <figure class="cta_framed_figure">

                            <img class="cta_framed_image" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/generic/980x735/1 980w, https://images.fastspot.com/generic/740x555/1 740w, https://images.fastspot.com/generic/500x375/1 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/generic/300x225/1 300w" src="https://images.fastspot.com/generic/300x225/1" alt="" loading="lazy" width="300" height="225">
                        <div class="fs-row">
                            <div class="fs-cell">
                                <div class="cta_framed_inner">
                                    <div class="cta_framed_header">
                                        <h2 class="cta_framed_title">Glass: Shattering Notions</h2>
                                        <div class="cta_framed_meta">
                                            <p class="cta_framed_type">Exhibit</p>
                                            <p class="cta_framed_location">Heinz History Center</p>
                                    <div class="cta_framed_body">
                                        <div class="cta_framed_description ">
                                            <p>Long before being known as the Steel City, Pittsburgh was America's Glass City. The Glass exhibit showcases the beauty, science, utility and technology of Western Pennsylvania glass over the past 200 years.</p>
                                    <div class="cta_framed_action">

                                        <a href="#" class="cta_framed_link">
                                            <span class="cta_framed_link_inner">
                                                <span class="cta_framed_link_label">Explore Exhibit</span>
<!-- END: CTA Framed -->
	{% include '@component-call-to-action-framed' with {
		title: 'Group Title',
		theme: 'color',
		items: [
				theme: 'theme',
				image: '1',
				title: 'Item Title',
				type: 'Item Type',
				location: 'Item Location',
				description: "Item Description",
				link: {
					url: '#',
					label: 'Item Link',
					aria: ''
	} %}

<!-- CTA Framed -->
<div class="cta_framed_group theme_{{ theme }}">
	{% if title %}
		<div class="cta_framed_group_header">
			<div class="fs-row">
				<div class="fs-cell">
					<div class="cta_framed_group_header_inner">
						<h2 class="cta_framed_group_title">{{ title }}</h2>
	{% endif %}
	<div class="cta_framed_body">
		<div class="fs-row">
			<div class="fs-cell">
				<div class="cta_framed_body_inner">
					{% for item in items %}
						<div class="cta_framed theme_{{ item.theme }}">
							<figure class="cta_framed_figure">
								{% include '@partial-image' with {
									class: 'cta_framed',
									alt: '',
									image: item.image,
									loading: 'lazy',
									sources: [
								} %}
							<div class="fs-row">
								<div class="fs-cell">
									<div class="cta_framed_inner">
										<div class="cta_framed_header">
											<h2 class="cta_framed_title">{{ item.title }}</h2>
											<div class="cta_framed_meta">
												<p class="cta_framed_type">{{ item.type }}</p>
												<p class="cta_framed_location">{{ item.location }}</p>
										<div class="cta_framed_body">
											<div class="cta_framed_description ">
												<p>{{ item.description }}</p>
										<div class="cta_framed_action">
											{% include '@partial-link' with {
												class: 'cta_framed',
												title: item.link.label,
												url: item.link.url,
												aria: item.link.aria
											} %}
					{% endfor %}
<!-- END: CTA Framed -->

No notes defined.